Corporate and Military awards are a great way to reward and motivate your staff. Recognition lets individuals know how much they are truly appreciated and thanks them personally for their hard work. When they walk into their office it will remind them of the work well-done. There are several different types of awards you can purchase for staff. Perpetual plaques recognizes staff on a monthly to yearly basis. It is a nice way to acknowledge and to show how much you appreciate their contributions. Yearly awards recognize staff for their years of service to the company. It shows the employer is thankful to their staff for their loyalty and hard work. Special recognition awards are given to a staff member who is getting ready to retire or relocating. It thanks them for their hard work and lets them know how much they will be missed. Also, appreciation awards can help recognize a Donor or a Sponsor. It lets them know how grateful everyone is for their donations and how those donations touch and help so many people. See some of our favorites below.
Send us details about the Award or Gift you’re interested in and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!